
Addressing Invitations, Part II

This afternoon's post turned into this evening's. If you missed Part I, check it out here. I know this is an overwhelming amount of information, but over the years I've pieced together a lot of information on how to address each individual case correctly. I promise it's worth doing it right. After all, this is your wedding!

How to address invitations for...

Single Guests:

Unmarried woman
Outer -Miss Lilly Kravetz
Inner -Miss Kravetz and Guest

Divorced woman (using maiden name)
Outer -Ms. Lilly Kravetz
Inner -Ms. Kravetz and Guest

Divorced woman (using married name)
Outer -Mrs. Lilly James
Inner -Mrs. James and Guest

Unmarried/Divorced Man
Outer -Mr. Henry James
Inner -Mr. James and Guest


Married couples
Outer -Mr. and Mrs. Henry James
Inner -Mr. and Mrs. James

Married couples (woman using maiden name)
Outer -Ms. Lilly Kravetz and Mr. Henry James
Inner -Ms. Kravetz and Mr. James

Unmarried couples (couple does not live together, send to closest friend)
Outer -Miss Lilly Kravetz
Inner -Miss Kravetz
Mr. James

Unmarried couple living together (list alphabetically)
Outer -Miss Lilly Kravetz
Mr. Henry James
Inner -Miss Kravetz
Mr. James


Outer -The Reverend and Mrs. Henry James
Inner -The Reverend and Mrs. James

Outer -The Reverend Henry James
Inner -The Reverend James


Outer -The Honorable Henry James
Inner -Judge James and Guest

Outer -The Honorable and Mrs. Henry James
Inner -Judge James
Mrs. James

Doctor, Medical (Ph.D.):

Outer -Doctor (Dr.) Henry James
Inner -Doctor (Dr.) James and Guest

Outer -Doctor (Dr.) and Mrs. Henry James
Inner -Doctor (Dr.) and Mrs. James

Married woman Doctor, Medical (Ph.D.)
Outer -Doctor (Dr.) Lilly James and Mr. Henry James
Inner -Dr. James and Mr. James

Married couple both Doctors, Medical (Ph.D.)
Outer -Doctors Henry and Lilly James
Inner -The Doctors James


Male Officer (single)
Outer -General Henry James
U.S. Army
Inner -General James and Guest

Male Officer (married)
Outer -Lieutenant and Mrs. Henry James
U.S. Air Force
Inner -General and Mrs. James

Female Officer (single)
Outer -Captain Lilly Kravetz
U.S. Army
Inner -Captain Kravetz and Guest

Female Officer (married)
Outer -Captain Lilly James and Mr. Henry James
U.S. Air Force
Inner -Captain and Mr. James

Thanks for sticking through all of that! I hope it's helpful to some. I promise to have a more lively post tomorrow, but sometimes we have to get down to business!


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